Thank you for using Brevet Manager. Version 3.0 is now available, but new downloads of the app will be suspended. Many people are using it, but this was necessary because it was necessary to consider the release policy of the app. As soon as we are able to contact you regarding the resumption of new downloads, we will inform you on this blog and site.
The current new download page is open until 9/29. We are planning to close on 9/30. If you are considering using it for the first time, please download it by 9/29.
If you have already downloaded it, you can re-download it after 9/30 from the purchase history of the App Store, the management of apps and devices in the Play Store, and the history displayed on the management screen. If you want to install Brevet Manager on a new device, such as a model change, sign in to the App Store with an Apple ID that has a download history, or sign in to the Play Store with a Google account, and reinstall from the download history. .
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.